Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Top 5 Reasons I blog...

Thanks to Chris Pund, I will be posting the top 5 reasons I blog.

This is pretty much a gimmie. With a blog I can keep people up to date with my adventures and also add feeds from people I've come across at conferences, college, and more.

Decloud my brain
For those that know me, I'm a thinker. I enjoy writing various articles just to relax. By writing these, it also allows me to discard information that I don't necessarily need to retain. It also helps me to remember certain things.

Finding resources
I wouldn't be half the web nerd I am without RSS Feeds, bookmarks, and blogs that combine all of the above.

Test ideas
Post an idea. See how long it takes your friends to laugh or pat you on the back.

Keep others up to date
Okay.. its obvious. But really - think of how much time it saves just to send the news to one area and let people come to that area. It's practical for time management.

Okay.. that's not really five, but it encompasses a lot of the reasons why I blog. What are your five reasons?

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