Saturday, May 5, 2007

Logic, 2 New Books, and Nerves

It seems as though in the past 6 months something in my brain has opened. It's like a channel for understanding the logic of web programming has finally opened.

I just recently received two books in the mail that I ordered, Ajax Patterns and Best Practices (Expert's Voice) and Ajax Design Patterns. I have read quite a bit of Ajax Design Patterns at McConnell Library at RU, so I have put most of my time today into Ajax Patterns and Best Practices. Both are great reads and helpful to those starting to implement AJAX. Some may not like a few of the stories that are included with Ajax Design Patterns. Look at it this way.. the stories are similar to real life problems. Who cares if they are true or not.

I'm really nervous I must admit about my phone interview with Monday. I'll be interviewing with the Chief Software Architect, so everyone wish me luck!

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