Sunday, April 6, 2008

VT Rampage Game Questions Taste and Freedom of Speech

A college student's review and thoughts on the recent posting of a video game depicting the tragic events at Virginia Tech on April 16th. Please read with an open mind!

read more | digg story

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Post Graduation Updates

It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to write a post. Some good news though – a lot of time has opened up so that I may write some more!

On December 15th I graduated finally from Radford University. Even though I stayed one more semester than I thought I would have – I still graduated a semester early. With a career already established, the transition from full-time student to full-time employee hasn’t been such a culture shock.

With increased free-time, what will I do with it? Honestly that is a great question. I may do some much needed relaxing, something I’ve put off since June at least. There are always projects outside of work that I could dedicate my time to and be productive. Then again, the more I push it the more stressed I’ll be down the road.

The holiday season is upon us and I’m thankful I’ve taken care of 90% of my shopping. Still have a few items to purchase for those special loved ones, which isn’t as bad as buying for all of them at once!

Congratulations to all of my friends that graduated with me Saturday. I wish each and every one of you the best in your future endeavors. I know you’re all going to do great things!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Facebook Project

The schedule has been very hectic lately as I'm finishing school and taking off with my new promotion.

For those interested in seeing my MSTD 335 project which focuses on Facebook, check out the link below:

The Facebook Frenzy - The Social Platform and the Society That Deems It Important.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm cheating on PHP with CSharp and

Cheesy title, don't ya think?

At least its better than public void Welcome To Yet Another Blog {

System.Response.Write(Thanks for Reading);

The new development position is full of new things to learn. It's an AJAX environment, so kudos for me finding something that interests me. PHP has been my cup of tea for development for the past few years. So why did I take on a position with ASP.NET, something I have minimal experience in?

It's quite simple - I can apply my proven design expertise, food for though and at the same time convert my open source madness to the Microsoft framework. Fortunately its working out very well, once I figured out a few syntax requirements.

More coming soon, especially to my AJAX casestudy series.

And yes - I know the class at the top is crap.