Sunday, July 29, 2007

Well, its been a crapshoot for the past two months. I am happy to say though - will be back up and running by the end of the week.

I am moving over the entire domain/hosting to a Netfirms. Nothing personal - just didn't really enjoy the last company's service.

I apologize to all of those that have tried reaching in the past few months. It has been an inconvenience to us all and it will be something I will stand to see doesn't happen again.

Feature Fools

As a college student I have a few years under my belt in terms of using social networking. I've been around since the debut of Myspace, Facebook, and Xuqa. Now, a few years later I shall look at the three applications and see how they rank up.

Back in 2003, was a very simple place to set up a profile and meet online friends. At the time had a major share of the newest idea on the horizon - social networking. Over time though, Myspace became more and more popular, especially in 2005. What set Myspace apart was the fact you could customize your own profiles with html codes. Now in 2007 Myspace has a variety of features, including but not limited to:

  • Myspace Jobs (utilizes postings)
  • Comedy and Music profiles (for those of us that would rather not pay for music)
  • Blogs
  • ChatRooms
  • Events
  • Classifieds
  • Horoscopes
  • Schools/Univerities
  • MySpaceIM
  • Music
  • Filmmakers
  • Profile Editor
  • SMS Alerts
  • MySpace TV
  • Mobile
That may look like a lot, but it really branches out for the various mediums that attract our attention. It's not just a way to make friends anymore - Myspace has quickly become a highly attractive promotional tool. What else will they bring to the plate?

Although they are feature-full - this won't keep me happy. The website isn't dependable at all. The fanbase is too large for the servers to handle. I would highly recommend updating the equipment to hold the bandwidth that the users require or at least.. investing in some better technology than Coldfusion :).

Facebook started with a simple idea - make an online contact listing with a photo to attach to the information. It worked splendid for quite some time. It was also very nice because only college students from various networks had access to it. Take that spam!

Then.... Facebook added features - something which they have proven to lack effectiveness. For example, in the later 2006/earlier 2007 period, Facebook launched a feature that allowed for members to track what everyone in their network was doing (literally). Many have labeled the feature as a "stalker" tool. All it really is though is an RSS feed.

Facebook's next reasoning - allow the release of the Facebook API so that developers can create their own tools for Facebook. Is this the way to get the features people want? Yes. Is this the way to drive users like me up the wall? YES!

Now, rather than a feature here and there, I have my contacts sending me requests for using various applications that are just plain stupid - see below:
  • Movies Friend
  • Horoscope
  • X Me
  • Zombie
  • Beer
  • Top Friends
  • Poke Me Pro
The list literally goes on. Rather than helping the user connect to their network, they can sign up for applications that allow them to be "zombies biting other zombies", "giving a beer to a friend", or whatever. Since 2006, Facebook has lost its true niches that set it apart from Myspace. It has lost its community sense by opening up to the public and it has lost its pure simplicity that set it apart from the decorative Myspace. At least it's developed in PHP...

Xuqa was rather nice when it jumped into the field in 2005. It found a niche in the college market by encouraging the posting of photos from college parties. anyone? Another feature was that you could earn peanuts to buy E-items to send to friends. Granted, these features alone were very nice when Xuqa first debuted. Who really wants to stay on the Internet and do this for the rest of their free-time though?

Xuqa found a new way in 2006 to seperate itself from the two social networking giants - make the social networking scene a competition. Just read their tagline -

"Xuqa is a network of 1,000,000+ University Students. Compete with your friends to be the richest and most popular person in the world!"

Nice. Now we can earn peanuts, add people for useless reasons and claim the realm of being the Internet social networking's most popular person. Where is the bragging rights for that gonna hold against .. reality?

As you can see, these tools have changed the social life we live. In ways it has made it easier to meet new people, promote businesses, and spread ideas to a greater number of people with less work. In other ways though it has just cluttered our social space with useless tools that will furthermore make our spare time just that - useless. The future is limitless for social networking. I just hope the big guys can use their power for the greater good.