I know many programmers might laugh at it. In all honesty, I always leaned toward the open source technologies because they were not only free, but provided a lot of documentation for the abundance of questions I would need to ask.
Due to my new job I have been integrated into a .NET environment. With that it means if I want to move up I had best learn the tools of the trade. I have began using Microsoft Visual Web Developer to toy with ASP.net and I must say that I like the tool. It's a nice GUI for programmers. I wonder if there is a tool like this for PHP?
I'm working on a few test projects to get myself warmed up to the thought of things. I may link to the files later on in the week.
As a note to most - I have a lot of work to catch up on and I will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to reach until around the 26th. Have a great week all!