New Olympic Logo Crap?
I haven't been in town long and I've already come across an article sparking my interest design-wise. What does it include? The Olympics of all things!Recently the logo for the 2012 Olympic Games, which are to be held in London, was unveiled. It is a very rampant approach, tearing down the comfortable previous logo with a broad ravaging new look.
As a designer, what is my take? Honestly, I like the fact that London wants to spice up the games. By changing the logo I feel it shows that the games have their own flavor in each city which hosts them. Unfortunately in this attempt though, the logo conveys far too many things that contradict what the games stand for. For example - notice how all of the pieces are different, but are far from coming together? It's a contradiction of what the Olympics does best- bringing people of different backgrounds, regions, countries, and all corners of the world together for friendly competition and to celebrate the gift of brotherhood.
Best of luck to London. They have started on a shaky road to the 2012 games and have no where else to go but up.
*Photo credit the AFP and Yahoo*