Thursday, May 10, 2007

CodeIgnitor Test Drive

As I posted last night, I downloaded CodeIgnitor, a PHP framework. I must say, so far I am very impressed.

After looking at some of the video tutorials to get a feel for how the framework is based (simple Hello World, Blog in 20 Minutes), I thought I would give it a try. I started by creating a few simple scripts, ranging from 'Hello World' to a basic string that would print variables and solutions to a math problem. From there I created my own blogging system in under 50 minutes, which isn't bad at all I think for just picking up the system.

Now it's time for the fun-run. The listing system I created a few weeks ago is taking shape but is far from where I wanted it. Currently it runs on close to, give or take, 8 files. After 35 minutes I have recreated the system with CodeIgnitor. All that is left is to add the delete function and it will be set to go.

All in all, I think this is a great resource for PHP developers and those that are just picking up the language. If you have programmed in Java, then you will definitely appreciate the libraries as it will make time more manageable in your PHP development.

You think you know Javascript ...

I recently saw a link on that I thought was noteworthy to pass along. You may have noticed that with my blogs lately, I have written quite a bit about Javascript (or at least complained about it, your choice).

Anywhoo, on to the article. It is a four part video series focusing on a presentation by Yahoo's Douglas Crockford. If you are just starting, I recommend you to check out the slides first. For those that have dabbled in Javascript before, start with the videos by checking out the link below!